Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Charles H. Hood Foundation Major Grants Initiative

    Charles H. Hood Foundation Major Grants Initiative to Advance Child Health

    The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) would like to announce the Charles H. Hood Foundation Major Grants Initiative to Advance Child Health. The Hood Major Grants is a limited submission award, and as such the OVPR will be conducting an internal screening process.

    This Award Program supports outstanding investigators conducting innovative and transformative research in child health.  The overall goal of the Program remains the funding of translational or clinical research that will improve child health clinical outcomes, or improve health care access, affordability, and quality.  The Major Grants are intended to fund innovative work that may be difficult to fund with traditional grant mechanisms.  For the 2016 grant cycle, the Hood Foundation requests applications related to either of two areas of child health research: Neonatology or Early Brain and Child Development.

    Two-year grants totaling $450,000 ($225,000 per year) will be awarded for the period of January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2017. Up to 10% ($40,909) of the total Direct Costs may be used to cover Indirect Costs at either the Award Recipient Institution or any contracting institution.

    Limited Submission 

    Because only one application per institution can be submitted for this program, an internal screening process is required. If you are considering submitting an application for the program, an on-line Notification of Intent to Submit must be completed by the requested Intent to Submit Deadline.

    Investigators are asked to submit a 3-page project narrative, abstract, and biosketch by the requested Internal Screening Deadline.

    When submitting pre-proposals for the internal screening process, be sure to check the Guidelines for updates. Pre-proposals not adhering to these guidelines and instructions will be returned. 


    Program Requirements

    Limit:  One proposal per institution
    Intent to Submit Deadline:  4/17/2015, 8:00 AM
    Internal Screening Deadline: 5/1/2015, 8:00 AM
    Sponsor Deadline:  5/19/2015, 3:00 PM


    For more information, contact: the Office of the Vice President for Research at 860-486-3619