Sales and Fundraisers

  • UConn Bloom's Cold Tolerant Pansies To Plant Now

    Need color in your garden or on your deck?  But you thinik it's too cold?  UConn Blooms has a wonderful assortment of pansies to brighten up any location.  Pansies can withstand temperatures in the mid 30's and will bloom into late June.  Blues, purples, yellows and pinks will make you forget the dreariness of this past winter.  They even make good indoor plants if you have a very sunny location.  We have them in 4 inch and 6 inch pots.  We still have some beautiful hydrangeas to decorate any table.

    And don't forget April 22!!!   Administrative Professionals Day is being celebrated!  How better to thank those people who make your job that much better?  A beautiful plant, a colorful arrangement or a bouquet of loose flowers will make anyone happy.  Come visit our greenhouse with an extensive assortment of cactus and succulents.  Order early and UConn Blooms can deliver to your office anytime that week. 

    UConn Blooms is located in the Floriculture building on Route 195 (1395 Storrs Rd.) across from the yellow barn.  Parking is available alongside our greenhouse near the towers parking lot.  We are open from 10:30 to 5:00 Monday through Friday. 

    For more information, contact: UConnBlooms at