Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Respondents Requested:Creativity with Tech Survey

    Have you ever used technologies to do creative work? If so, you are invited to participate in this survey regarding technology enabled creativity. A main purpose of this survey is to find out how confident people feel about using technology to help themselves thinking creatively or achieve creative goals.

    The survey link is:

    Your participation in this study will require completion of the attached questionnaire. This should take approximately 5-10 minutes of your time. You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be. I will be happy to answer any questions you have about this study. If you have further questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem, you may contact me, Jiajun Guo at (812) 606-9916 or my instructor, Tawnya Knupp at (860) 486-3721. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant you may contact the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board (IRB) at 860-486-8802.  The IRB is a group of people who review research studies to protect the rights and welfare of research participants.

    Please complete the following survey and submit it as soon as possible. The survey is mobile friendly, so you can take it on smart devices.

    Title of Study: The Development of a Self-perceived Technology Enabled Creativity Scale
    Principal Investigator: Tawnya Knupp, Ph.D.
    Student: Jiajun Guo
    Course Name and Number: EPSY 5621: Construction of Evaluation Instruments (#H12-024)

    Thank you.

    For more information, contact: Jiajun Guo at