Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/16 CHIP Lecture: Dietary Interventions for Obesity

    CHIP Lecture Series, Spring 2015

    “Dietary Interventions for Obesity: Considering Internal and
     External Validity in RCTs”

    Cara Ebbeling, PhD, Boston Children’s Hospital

    12:30 - 1:30pm


    Center for Health, Intervention and Prevention, UConn
    Center for Public Health and Health Policy, UConn Health
    Department of Allied Health Sciences, UConn
    Department of Human Development and Family Studies, UConn
    Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, UConn


    Video Conference Room 204, 2nd floor
    J. Ray Ryan Building, 2006 Hillside Road
    University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus
    For directions and maps, see

    Accessibility: elevator available in building lobby on ground floor.

    Web Stream

    You can view this talk streamed live during the lecture -- or archived after the lecture -- at

    About the Speaker
    Cara Ebbeling is the Associate Director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center. Dr. Ebbeling arrived at Boston Children’s Hospital in 1999 to complete advanced training in obesity research and then moved into a faculty position. She is an internationally recognized expert in interventional nutrition research design and quality control. She has directed numerous behavioral and feeding studies of diet in the treatment of obesity and published her work in prominent journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, The Lancet, and Pediatrics. Dr. Ebbeling has given scores of invited presentations at national and international professional meetings. She served as an Associate Editor for the journal Obesity and is a fellow of The Obesity Society and the American College of Sports Medicine.  Dr. Ebbeling received an M.S. in exercise science from the University of Massachusetts in 1988 and a Ph.D. in nutritional sciences from the University of Connecticut in 1997.

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