Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • EAP - Frontline Employee April Newsletter

    Featured in this month’s edition:

    Giving Feedback to your Boss - “You can give constructive feedback to your boss with less unease. The key is making it fully formed, thoughtful and delivered with timeliness and tact.”

    Making More of Your To-Do List - “There are secrets to successful to-do list management.”

    Other topics in this edition:

    • Are You Living Near a Meth Lab?
    • Teach Young Children to Dial 911?
    • Tardiness: Ripple Effects that Add Up
    • Alcohol Awareness Month – Self Diagnosis and Referral
    • Making Diversity Work for You
    • Employees and Workplace Ethics

    For the full edition of “Frontline Employee” and to learn more about UConn EAP go to:

     UConn’s Employee Assistance Program provides professional, brief counseling to help identify and resolve personal, family or work related concerns.

    • Confidential!
    • Voluntary!
    • Free!

    EAP is also available by invitation to meet with departments, programs or other groups to discuss and process common areas of concern.

    To schedule a private appointment, call:

    (860) 486-1307 Storrs

    (800) 852-4392 Statewide - 24 hours (Toll-free in CT)


    For more information, contact: Gary Alger at