Additional UConn Information

  • Statistical Consulting Service-Free Walk-In Hours

    Statistical Consulting Services - FREE Walk In Hours for Spring 2015


    Statistical Consulting Services (SCS) is pleased to announce our new free walk-in service! We provide immediate, in person statistical support for quick questions about grant proposals, journal articles, PhD. Dissertations, M.S. Theses, and undergraduate research projects. The walk in hours begin Monday, February 1, 2015 in AUST 340.

    It is available to all UConn undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, research fellows, and faculty members. We have expertise in statistical software, study design, statistical methodology, data analysis and visualization, and reporting of results.

    Where We Are: Philip E. Austin Building (Former CLAS), Room 340


    Monday: 9AM –5PM

    Tuesday: 3:30PM –6:30PM

    Wednesday: 9AM –12PM

    Thursday: 3:30PM –6:30PM

    Friday: 9AM –3PM


    *SCS is jointly funded by Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), Dean’s Office, CLAS & Department of Statistics, UCONN

    **Additionally, we provide comprehensive, ongoing consulting services. For this, please apply online at

    For more information, contact: Tracy Burke at