Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/9 CHIP Lecture: Obesity Treatment

    CHIP Lecture Series, Spring 2015

    “Harnessing Financial Incentives and Social Influence to Address Current Challenges in Obesity Treatment Research”

    Tricia Leahey, PhD, University of Connecticut
    12:30 - 1:30pm

    Networking Meeting
    “Weight Loss in Adults/Social Media and Behavioral Economics Interventions”
    1:30 – 2:30pm

    Video Conference Room 204, 2nd floor (Lecture)
    CHIP Colloquium, 1st Floor (Networking Meeting)
    J. Ray Ryan Building, 2006 Hillside Road
    University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus
    For directions and maps, see

    Accessibility: elevator available in building lobby on ground floor.

    Web Stream

    You can view this talk streamed live during the lecture -- or archived after the lecture -- at

    About the Speaker
    Dr. Leahey is an Associate Professor at the University of Connecticut in the Department of Allied Health Sciences. She completed her clinical internship at Brown Medical School and received her doctorate in Clinical Health Psychology from Kent State University. Dr. Leahey finished her NIH F32 NRSA postdoctoral fellowship in 2010 and was faculty at Brown from 2010 to 2014. Her research focuses on developing and evaluating cost-effective behavioral interventions for the treatment of obesity in real-world settings and on testing novel approaches for weight loss maintenance.  Specifically, Dr. Leahey is currently PI or Co-I on several large trials examining the effects of social networks and financial incentives on weight loss or weight loss maintenance in reduced intensity in-person programs or Internet-based dissemination initiatives. She is also collaborating with a small Internet company to develop a wide-reaching, evidence-based commercial weight loss program that involves social gaming and financial incentives. Dr. Leahey is a standing member of NIH’s Psychosocial Risk and Disease Prevention Study Section, she has reviewed for more than 30 scientific journals and is on the editorial board for several journals, and she has served as scientific expert for John Hopkins’ Comparative Effectiveness Review for Weight Maintenance and NIDDK’s Weight Control Information Network. Dr. Leahey is also a faculty member at NIH’s annual Summer Institute on the Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials and has received several awards for her research and teaching.

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