Training and Professional Development

  • 3/25 Continuing Compliance Post-IRB Approval

                                                             Research Compliance Services Workshop for Graduate Students


    The Office of the Vice President for Research, Research Compliance Services welcomes all graduate students to attend a workshop:


    Continuing Compliance Post-IRB Approval


    The focus of this workshop is to insure compliance with Federal Regulations and University Policies for the Protection of Human Subjects Post-IRB Approval by demonstrating proper recordkeeping, data security, and study management, and by helping graduate student researchers learn to prevent possible protocol deviations and adverse events. 


    Additional topics for discussion will include:

    • When it is necessary to amend the existing study protocol
    • How to submit requests for re-approval
    • Discussion of common findings during post-approval monitoring visits


    Date:             Wednesday March 25, 2015

    Time:             4:30pm-5:30pm

    Where:          Oak Hall Room 111

    Speaker:       Joan Levine, MPH (Post Approval Monitor)


    Please register at: 



    *Refreshments will be served.

    For more information, contact: The Graduate School at 6-3617