Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/26 Tomorrow:Biochem / UConn-TIP STEM Research Seminar


    Dear Colleagues,


    The Office of Undergraduate Research and the McNair Scholars Program are pleased to inform you of the 3rd STEM Research Seminar in the Series this spring semester, from 12:30 – 1:30pm in Gentry 119E. This is a brown bag style seminar series, and light refreshments will be served. 

    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    Agrivida, Inc.: Biotechnology for feed, fuel, and industrial enzymes

    Kit Bonin, Ph.D.

    Senior Biochemist & Plant Analysis Lead, Agrivida, Inc.

    Dr. Bonin is a scientist with the UConn Technology Incubation Program (TIP)!

    Please encourage your undergraduate students to attend to learn about STEM research and how to become a TIP intern. We look forward to seeing you there!


    For more information, contact: Renee M. Gilberti, Ph.D. at