Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Bone And Body Mass Research Services At Farmington

           Bone/Body Mass Research Store

    The Bone/Body Mass Research Store, part of the Clinical Research Center (CRC), offers bone mineral density and body composition measurement services to all investigators including those at UConn Heath, CICATS and UConn -Storrs community. Services include dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) which can assess bone mineral content/density at multiple sites including forearm, hip, spine, and total body. Total body DEXA  also provides an accurate assessment of body composition including body mass index (BMI), lean and fat body masses. Other analysis/screening DEXA services include vertebral assessments for deformities of the vertebrae, and the visualization of the abdominal aorta for calcification that can indicate heart disease. Other services provided by the research store include heel ultrasound for bone mineral (density) screening of the heel bone, and bio-electrical impedence analysis (BIA) for body composition measurements. Measurements can be performed in adult and pediatric populations. All measurements are performed by a single densitometry technologist, thereby maximizing reproducibility. The service center is located at the UConn Health, Farmington, lower campus on the 1st floor of the Administrative Services Building.


    For more information, please contact Linda Thompson at or 860-679-2673.

    For more information, contact: Linda Thompson/Clinical Research Center at 860-679-2673/