Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 3/25 Reminder: President's Community Service Honor Roll

    Dear Colleague,

    UConn is again applying to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the “highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning, and civic engagement” (CNCS).  The 2015 Honor Roll will recognize service occurring between July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 in one or more of the following categories: general community service, education, economic development, and interfaith service.   

    In order to meet the application deadline and capture all of the diverse initiatives at all of UConn campuses, we request that faculty and staff who engage students in service via volunteer projects, federal work-study placements, academic service-learning, and internships/practica to provide data no later than Wednesday, March 25th

    Faculty and staff can submit their initiatives HERE.  Up to 3 initiatives can be highlighted in each on-line submission.  This process has changed slightly this year; thank you in advance for your attention to detail.

    In preparation for your submission, the primary data points required include:

    • Basic description of your service initiative (title, summary, course number, etc.)
    • #  students engaged in this initiative
    • #  students engaged in at least 20 hours of community service per semester
    • #  hours student participants served in this initiative
    • # faculty/staff members who participated in the initiative
    • # hours faculty/staff members participated in this initiative - curricular and extracurricular activities
    • Quantifiable effects or output of the initiative(s) (e.g. # of individuals served, # of students tutored, # of trees planted, # of houses renovated, # of people provided with free health screenings, etc.).

    Additionally, you can upload quality photos that can be used in our application support materials and/or related university communications.

    To complete or preview the full survey please go HERE.

    Through student, faculty, and staff support last year, UConn was able to report that more than 15,800 UConn students engaged in over 1.4 million hours of service through volunteerism, academic service-learning, and community engagement internships. As a result, UConn received recognition in three of the 2014 Honor Roll’s categories including General Community Service, Education, and Economic Development.  UConn received a “With Distinction” honor in the General Community Service category, making this the second time that UConn has received this level of recognition over the past three years.

    Thank you for your support in this application.  Please let us know if you have any questions about UConn’s application to the Honor Roll or our process.



    Julia M. Yakovich                                                                              Christina Honeycutt

    Office of Public Engagement                                                       Office of Community Outreach

    P: 860.486.4531                                                                                 P: 860-486-1165                                                

    For more information, contact: Christina Honeycutt at 860-486-1165