Special Events and Receptions

  • 2/24 Global Perspectives on the Role of Women

    Despite advances over the years, women in the United States are still paid less than men for the same work and are underrepresented in government and the top levels of corporations.  What is the situation for women in other parts of the world?  One of the troubling features of the rise of the Islamic State is the number of women from many parts of the world who have been traveling to the Middle East to join their ranks.  What does this say for the role of women in Islam and the ways in which their lives are going in their home countries?

    Come and discuss these issues with our panel, moderated by Francoise Dussart, Professor of Anthropology and Women's and Gender Studies, Rita Offiaeli, born in Nigeria, PhD student in Anthropology, Katherine Urena Pimentell, Global House RA from the Dominican Republic and Mohsen Erfanzadeh, from Iran and a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering.

    It will be held on Tuesday, February 24th, at 7:30 - 9:00 PM in the McMahon Learning Community Lounge.

    For more information, contact: Farzane at f.mahmoodpoor@uconn.edu