Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 2/3 Artist Talk: "In and Out of Actions"

    4:00 - 5:30 p.m., Arena Gallery, Art Building

    aricoco (Ari Tabei), who was born and raised in Tokyo, is an interdisciplinary artist living and working in Brooklyn. She received her BA from Sophia University in Tokyo, and attended the Post-baccalaureate Program in Studio Art at Brandies University. After earning her MFA from the University of Connecticut in sculpture and video performance art in 2007, she was awarded the A.I.R. Gallery Fellowship for 2008-2009. She has since participated in numerous artists in residencies including: chashama, Vermont Studio Center, LMCC Swing Space, Smack Mellon Artist Studio Program, Sculpture Space, Blue Sky Project, Triangle Workshop, AAI’s Rotating Studio Program, Museum of Art and Design Open Studios, BRIC Media Fellowship, RBPMW Studio Immersion Project, AIM program and Target Margin Theater Institute Fellowship. She has exhibited and performed extensively in New York City, and recently returned to Japan for a major collaborative project-based exhibition and performance in Kawasaki City.

    For more information, contact: Professor Monica Bock at