Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 2/5 Dr. Barbara Oakley on Learning How to Learn

    The Academic Achievement Center, Center for Academic programs, and the School of Engineering are bringing Dr. Barbara Oakley to campus on Thursday February 5th, 2015. From 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.,  Dr. Oakley will be present during the Academic Achievement Center’s Open House in ROWE 217. From 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., Oakley will be lecturing on “Learning How to Learn: Concrete Tools from Neuroscience – and from Zombies!” in the Konover Auditorium, Dodd Center. Dr. Oakley is a professor of engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and she is the author of  The New York Times best-selling book “A Mind for Numbers”  (Penguin, 2014), and a co-instructor of the massive open online course “Learning How to Learn,” through UC-San Diego – Coursera. Her research focuses on the complex relationship between neuroscience and social behavior, and has been described as “revolutionary” by the Wall Street Journal.  Although she is a highly recognized scholar and teacher, Dr. Oakley’s life has been filled with adventure. She served as a Russian translator on Soviet trawlers on the Bering Sea during the early 1980s. She has also risen from private to captain in the U.S. Army, during which time she was recognized as a Distinguished Military Scholar. Dr. Oakley was designated as an NSF New Century Scholar. Dr. Oakley is an elected Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.

    For more information, contact: Monique Negron at