Training and Professional Development

  • Planning for Cancellations "Teaching at a Glance"

    Cancelled classes are no longer a rare exception here on the East Coast, so it makes sense to establish an online presence, plan ahead for cancellations, and even record lectures ahead of time, so we are ready when the bad weather hits. 

    The first step is to set up a HuskyCT site at the beginning of the semester and use it regularly to share materials with students.  If students are used to interacting with the system, they won’t have difficulty switching to it when class is cancelled.  

    Plan ahead:  Consider "Flipping" a class ahead of time, so you already have a session prepared for online presentation in case of a weather cancellation.

    • Use HuskyCT:  Information about using HuskyCT to address unforeseen disruptions can be found at IRC’s Preparing for Emergency Disruptions and Tips for using HuskyCT in class.
    • Use Lecture Capture:  Mediasite is the University’s solution for lecture capture and streaming. Whether you are teaching online or face-to-face, reinforcing a difficult topic, or making up a missed class, Mediasite can provide an appropriate and effective solution.  Mediasite offers five basic options for creating and capturing lecture content. (Be sure to test video capture software in your home office to ensure that everything works from there.)  

    Whether proactively or reactively responding to inclement weather, think of the results of your efforts as potential first steps in expanding your pedagogy and technology toolbox.  

    Visit Weather Interruptions/Emergency Cancellations for more information.

    For more information, contact: The Institute for Teaching and Learning at