Training and Professional Development

  • 1/23 Using Informal Writing to...

    ITL Lunchtime Seminar

    The Institute for Teaching & Learning will be offering the following Lunchtime Seminar:

    Using Informal Writing to Promote Engagement and Critical Thinking in Small and Large Courses Across the Disciplines


    Tom Deans
    English & ITL-Writing Center

    Most of the writing we assign in college courses–papers, lit reviews, lab reports–is formal and high-stakes, and typically takes lots of time to teach and grade. This workshop will focus on a whole different kind of writing: informal, low-stakes writing that can be woven strategically into both small and large enrollment courses. What would it be like, for example, to interrupt a lecture and have students write for 3 minutes on a key question, data set, or quotation presented on a slide? Such quick writing activities–often done in class, often not even collected–can promote engagement, spark critical thinking, and reinforce course content.
    Targeted Audience: Faculty & TA’s

    Friday, January 23rd
    11:15 – 1:10 pm
    John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education (ROWE)
    Room 320

    Registration is required
    To register and view other workshops, please visit

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at