Training and Professional Development

  • Flexible Teaching for Weather Challenges

    Dear Colleagues,

    Recently, the Provost’s Office distributed a memo regarding inclement weather. In response, the Institute for Teaching & Learning has created a web resource to help you learn how to teach a class from home or to post a lecture in case your class is canceled. The resource introduces an innovative online technology called Mediasite. This tool is easy to use and is already being used by many of your colleagues to meet the needs of their course. We invite you to visit our webpage at to find out more about Mediasite and to learn how to teach a class online. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Institute for Teaching and Learning at 860-486-6540 or --thank you.


    Dan Mercier
    Director, Institute for Teaching & Learning
    University of Connecticut

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at