Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 1/12 MRI Training Workshop: "MRI From the Ground Up"

    The opening of the UConn Brain Imaging Research Center on the Storrs campus in Spring of 2015 offers new opportunities for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students to incorporate brain and body imaging techniques into their research programs. All UConn researchers are invited to attend a one day workshop to learn more about MRI, especially functional MRI.

    Short course: MRI from the ground up
    Instructor: Dr. Peter Molfese, Director of Operations, UConn Brain Imaging Research Center
    DateMonday, January 12
    Time: 9:30-4, with a 1-hour break for lunch
    Place: Bousfield A106 (large meeting room in the Annex)

    Description: "MRI from the ground up" will cover essential information necessary for organizing and constructing your own MRI experiments.  This course is primarily geared towards individuals who are not yet using fMRI in their own research.  Sessions will strive to provide attendees with a conceptual understanding of 1) how MRI works; 2) what types of research can MRI be used for (e.g., Structural, Functional); 3) how to design an fMRI experiment; 4) and an overview of data analysis. Time will be set aside in the afternoon to ask questions related to design and interpretation of current MRI users in the UConn community.
    Sponsored by:  The Brain Imaging Research Center • The Committee to Form an Institute of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (with support from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) •  The Program in Cognitive Science • The IGERT training program in Language Plasticity: Genes, Brain, Cognition, Computation.

    Although registration is not required, if you plan on attending please indicate this at:
    For more information, contact: Peter Molfese, Psychology at