Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • Research Presentation - Dr. Todd Reeves

    The Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment Program of the Neag School of Education invites faculty and students to attend a research presentation. Details of the presentation are provided below.

    Dr. Todd Reeves

    Assistant Professor in Educational Technology, Research, and Assessment

    Northern Illinois University

    Friday, Nov. 21, 11:30-12:30

    Gentry Building 144

    Title: Investigations in Assessment and Online Education: Perceived Impacts of a Teacher Data Literacy Intervention, and Massive Open Online Course Participants’ Characteristics, Experiences, and Outcomes

    Abstract: This talk centers on two current projects within my research program. The first study is a pre-experimental investigation of a classroom data literacy intervention for pre-service teachers. The second is a mixed-methods study focused on massive open online course participants’ characteristics, experiences, and outcomes. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of my near- and longer-term research plans.  

    For more information, contact: Barbara Sousa at 860-486-4338