Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Giolas-Harriott & Crandall-Cordero Fellowships

    Each year The Graduate School awards the Vice Provost for Graduate Education: Giolas-Harriott Fellowship (GHF) and the Crandall-Cordero Fellowship (CCF).


    • Graduate Departments utilize these awards to attract, enroll and retain an outstanding student profile to their program.

    • Awarded by the The Graduate Diversity Task Force, The GHF and CCF awards are given to students who will represent the very best of the entering graduate student class.

    • Successful nominees will have demonstrated a commitment to enhancing diversity in higher education, their field of study, or both. 

    • Awards are dependent on good academic standing and progress towards a degree.

    • Awards are guaranteed for up to three years. After three years, GHF ends and the students is receives a CCF award.

    The Award: The GHF is the most prestigious award given by The Graduate School. This award is only open to incoming doctoral students and consists of:

    • An annual fellowship, equivalent to a half-time academic-year graduate assistantship funded by The Graduate school.

    • A 50% academic year graduate assistantship funded by The Graduate School and housed in the home department (no service requirement required by the student).

    • $2000 summer stipend funded by The Graduate School.

    CCF Fellowship is open to incoming Masters and Doctoral students.

    • Annual service-free fellowship equivalent to a half-time graduate assistantship.

    • $2,000 summer support funded by The Graduate School.

    • The host program must provide a half-time graduate assistantship as a match to the  CCF Fellowship.


    • Faculty sponsor must complete the on-line cover sheet and forward the completed form to

    • Application materials (copies of the applicant’s transcripts including GPA, GRE scores, a personal statement from the applicant and letters of recommendation) should be marked with the GHF/CCF group in Hobsons ApplyYourself. 

    • The cover sheet and application materials must be submitted by January 19, 2015 (First Round) or February 23, 2015 (Second Round).   

    • The Graduate Diversity Task Force will review and select potential awardees based on the nominating program and the academic quality of the candidate.

    The Graduate School looks forward to helping you bring the best and brightest of this year’s applicant pool to UConn.  For more information or if you have any questions regarding the 2014-2015 Vice Provost for Graduate Education: Giolas-Harriott Fellowship & Crandall-Cordero Fellowship, please contact Charmane Thurmand (860-486-3949).

    Thank you very much for your support of our students!

    The Graduate Diversity Task Force and Kent Holsinger, Ph.D., Vice Provost of Graduate Education and Dean of The Graduate School

    *Students demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity in higher education through participation in organizations or activities that (a) directly relate to increasing access to higher education and retention in higher education of individuals, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs or (b) that help to ensure that individuals are welcomed and included in higher education environments regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs. Such organization and activities might include participation/affiliation with TRIO programs*, cultural/affinity organizations/centers, volunteer experiences, and college or university committees focused on these goals. Students provide evidence of this commitment through research and educational experience reflected on their CV/resume (articles, presentations, internship, and research experience), in their personal statement, or in letters of recommendations.  

    *Students demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity in their field of study by providing evidence in their application (a) that they have been involved in disciplinary organizations or activities that seek to engage individuals without regard to age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs, (b) that in their previous teaching, research, or other work they have sought to include individuals without regard to age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs, or (c) that their personal experiences and background will significantly broaden the perspectives represented within their chosen field of study. Students provide evidence of this commitment through research and educational experience reflected on their CV/resume (articles, presentations, internship, and research experience), in their personal statement, or in letters of recommendations.

    For more information, contact: Charmane Thurmand at 860-486-3949