Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Diversity Task Force

    Sent on behalf of Mun Choi, Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs: 

    On October 30, 2014, I met and charged the Diversity Task Force with the important task of developing new initiatives and structure to realize our goals of becoming a university that promotes and respects understanding, advances cultural competence and multiculturalism, celebrates intellectual openness and diverse perspectives as well as broadening the participation from under-represented groups in the important research, education and outreach programs at the University of Connecticut.  

    The charge, process and the timeline are provided below.  Please join me in thanking the members of the Task Force and the co-chairs, Dan Weiner and Dana Wilder.


    The University of Connecticut is a collegial and vibrant environment grounded in diverse perspectives that are enabled through differences in culture, experience, and values. An academic enterprise’s excellence and success depend fundamentally on diversity. Thus, UConn aims to become a much stronger, more inclusive community that explicitly promotes respect and understanding, advances cultural competence, celebrates intellectual openness and multiculturalism, and welcomes varied perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds. These values must infuse all of our programs, operations, and activities.

    The Diversity Task Force is charged to review, assess, and recommend strategies to improve diversity at the University of Connecticut. The Task Force will closely examine the meaning of diversity, and then will challenge the University with new perspectives and ideas, and develop creative approaches for broadening and strengthening diversity. This initiative offers an important opportunity to step back and think carefully about what we as an institution and a community value and why, and to recommend measures that will operationalize these values in the fabric of our institution’s strategic choices, activities, policies, programs, and organizational structures.

    Organization of Work

    The Task Force is asked to consider a set of complex concepts and challenging questions. To approach this systematically, the work will proceed in three phases:

    First, the Task Force will focus on foundational questions about what the University aspires to achieve with respect to diversity. It will carefully consider and define what diversity means, and specify the attributes of an institution where diversity is created, understood, celebrated, and integrated throughout its activities. It will also articulate the outcomes the University expects to attain as a result of emphasizing diversity.

    Next, the Task Force will understand current practices and approaches to diversity at UConn and evaluate their effectiveness. It will examine the dynamics of interacting forces that contribute the University’s current diversity environment, determine the gap between current and desired diversity outcomes, and identify existing enablers of and barriers to diversity. To accomplish this, it will engage the community through focus groups and individual meetings to seek perspective on the University’s strengths and weaknesses with respect to diversity. The Task Force will also gather data about effective practices and diversity outcomes at peer and aspirant institutions.

    Finally, the Task Force will consider what broad strategies we should pursue institutionally to fulfill these aspirations across a range of core domains and functions (for example, hiring, research, instruction, engagement, outreach, and others). It will identify policies, processes, practices, and plans that can be developed or strengthened to enrich the University’s environment, increase consciousness about privilege and bias, foster inclusion and mutual respect, and elevate diversity as a priority. Furthermore, in light of these aspirations and strategies, the Task Force will examine what organizational and functional arrangements can best support our diversity goals.

    Deliverables and Timeline

    December 15, 2014: Phase 1 report submitted to Provost and posted for public comment

    February 15, 2015: Phase 2 report submitted to Provost and posted for public comment

    April 1, 2015: Phase 3 report submitted to Provost and posted for public comment

    May 1, 2015: Final report and recommendations submitted to Provost

    Staff support

    Courtney Wiley will serve as secretary to the Task Force and coordinate all support needs. The University Ombuds, Jim Wohl, will serve as a resource to the Task Force in a non-voting consultative role.


    Dan Weiner, Co-Chair

    Vice Provost for Global Affairs


    Dana Wilder, Co-Chair

    Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Diversity


    William Jelani Cobb

    Associate Professor of History and Director Africana Studies Institute


    Elizabeth Conklin

    Associate Vice President and Title IX Coordinator


    Joseph Cooper

    Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership


    Andrea Dennis-LaVigne

    Board of Trustees


    Terri Dominguez

    Environmental Health & Safety Manager


    Davita S. Glasberg

    Associate Dean for Social Sciences, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Professor of Sociology


    Thulasi Kumar

    Assistant Vice Provost, Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness


    Kathy Libal

    Associate Professor in Community Organization and Associate Director, Human Rights Institute


    James Lowe

    Assistant Vice Provost for Career Development


    Joe Madaus

    Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Director, Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability


    Erin K. Melton

    Assistant Professor of Public Policy


    Suresh Nair

    Associate Dean, School of Business


    Shayla Nunnally

    Associate Professor of Political Science


    Mark Overmyer-Velazquez

    Associate Professor of History and Director, El Instituto


    Angela Rola

    Director, Asian American Cultural Center


    Pamela Schipani

    Executive Director, Office of Residential Life


    Charmane Thurmand

    Program Specialist, Graduate School




    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at