Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/7 Keynote Talk: Translating for War Crimes Tribunals

    5th Annual LANGSA Conference

    Found in Translation:

    Transposing Identity Across Space and Time



    Negotiating Meaning:

    Translating for a War Crimes Tribunal and in Literary Translations


     11/7, 1 pm Konover Auditorium (Dodd Center)


    Elias-Bursac has been translating novels, stories, and nonfiction by Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian writers for the last twenty years. She worked as the English language editor of the translation bureau at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. She has translated three books of David Albahari's writing: Words Are Something Else, 1996, awarded the AATSEEL Award in 1998, for best translation from a Slavic or East European language; Gotz and Meyer, 2004 (Britain) and 2005 (US), awarded the National Translation Award by the American Literary Translation Association in 2006; and Snow Man (Canada) in 2005. She has also translated writing by Antun Šoljan, Dubravka Ugrešic, and Slobodan Selenic. She has co-authored a textbook for the study of Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian with Ronelle Alexander, and has written a study on poet Tin Ujevic and his work as a literary translator.


    You can see the full program here:!translate-program/cmwl

    For more information, contact: LANGSA Officers at