Special Events and Receptions

  • 10/28 Jim Calhoun: Save the Date


    When: Tuesday October 28, 2014 at 7:30pm

    Where: Student Union Theater

    Honors in Business Association and Leadership in Action would like to invite you to an exclusive and exciting evening with Jim Calhoun. The son of former UConn basketball coach Jim Calhoun and CLAS alumnus of UConn, he currently serves as the President and CEO of Converse. He served as Chief Executive Officer and Vice President of Hurley International LLC, an affiliate of Nike Inc. until May 2011.

    In this talk, Mr. Calhoun will share his journey from UConn to the highest ranks of an international corporation and will provide students with tips on how to succeed in their careers.

    All are welcome to attend!

    Following his talk, he will take questions from the audience. You can submit your questions via email to uconnlia@gmail.com or uconnhiba@gmail.com

    For more information, contact: UConn Honors in Business Association at uconnhiba@gmail.com