Special Events and Receptions

  • 10/29 CCHNet Opening Celebration

    The Center for Correctional Health Networks (CCHNet) is pleased to announce its official opening on October 29th from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in the Carolyn Ladd Widmer Wing of Storrs Hall. Our opening will include a keynote presentation, ribbon cutting ceremony, poster displays and a reception. The CCHNet mission involves working in collaboration with the School of Nursing, the School of Pharmacy, the School of Medicine and the Human Rights Institute to test health care innovations and quality improvement strategies in real world practice settings. Our goal is to use research, education, policy and clinical practice to increase the relevance and reliability of information about correctional health care and improve clinical outcomes for persons with incarceration experience.

    For more information, contact: Dr. Deborah Shelton at deborah.shelton@uconn.edu