Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/7 CFP: Conference on Identity, Translation & Theory

    Found in Translation:

    Transposing Identity Across Space and Time




    Date: November 07, 2014

    Venue: Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut


    This year’s LANGSA conference aims to investigate practices of translating, broadly defined, as they pertain to identity, space, and time. This conference seeks to carve a space for both the critical and creative engagements of translators’ work, both in considering the way culture is transposed and in carrying linguistic features from one language to another. Papers need not focus on linguistic translation only, or at all. Papers with a focus on translating culture and in a variety of mediums, styles, and forms are also encouraged. In addition, papers which consider the metaphorical or intersemiotic translation of identity, ideas, or images across space and time are particularly welcome. Readings by literary translators of their recent work in poetry, fiction, or creative non-fiction, are also welcome, as long as they are accompanied by brief commentary on translation praxis.


    We welcome contributions across all disciplines, including: languages, literature, film, philosophy, political science, linguistics, psychology, education, human rights, American studies, women’s studies, journalism, medieval studies, art, art history, digital media studies, theater, music, sociology, history, science, cultural studies, Judaic studies, Latin American studies, fine arts and cognitive science.


    Relevant themes and topics may include but are not limited to:

    • Adaptations and appropriations

    • Translation and memory
    • Translation and retranslations
    • Testimony, translation and human rights
    • Linguistic issues in translation
    • Identity studies and/or identity politics
    • Post-colonialism
    • Less commonly translated languages
    • Multilingual cultures and literatures
    • Comparative literature

    • Gender studies
    • Text genealogy

    • Studies of culture and theory

    • Narrative theory
    • Teaching translation
    • Medieval studies and history
    • Cinema, art, and digital mediums
    • Literary translations

    • Eco-criticism
    • Creative writing
    • Translating non-western languages into English
    • Law and literature

    • Area studies, including (but not limited to): Latin American Studies, Asian American Studies, Indian Studies, Chinese Studies, Eastern European Studies, etc.

    We welcome submissions of individual papers, posters, and proposals for panels of 3 - 4 papers in English. Individual papers will be limited to a reading time of 15 minutes (7 double-spaced pages maximum), and panels will be limited to one hour. Abstracts should follow MLA style and be between 100-200 words; they must include a seperate cover letter indicating the title, author’s name, affiliation, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and a short biography.

    Please send abstracts to by September 25th, 2014.

    For more information, contact: Kristina Reardon at