Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 9/29 Jane E. Schultz ~The Work of Nursing in Civil War

    UConn Guest Speaker
    Jane E. Schultz, PhD
    Department of English, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

    Presents: “Words like Bullets: The Work of Nursing in Civil War Hospitals”

    Monday, September 29th
    1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
    Storrs Hall Widmer Wing, Room 01

    About Dr. Schultz: 

    Jane Schultz, director of literature and professor of English at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, has spent the month of September as UConn Visiting Guest Professor. A specialist in health and humanities, Schultz is being hosted by the UConn School of Nursing.

    A graduate of Stanford University and the University of Michigan, Schultz specializes in the recovery and study of women’s writing, including diaries and memoirs of Civil War nursing, as well as breast cancer survivor narratives.

    Schultz is the author of Women at the Front: Female Hospital Workers in Civil War America (University of North Carolina Press, 2004) and editor of This Birth Place of Souls: The Civil War Nursing Diary of Harriet Eaton (Oxford University Press, 2010). She is currently researching her next book, Lead, Blood, and Ink: Medicine in the Civil War Era.

    During her one-month tenure, Schultz has given several public lectures and lead faculty and doctoral seminars on UConn’s Storrs campus.


    Funded by a grant from the Vice President for Research

    For more information, contact: Thomas Long at