Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 9/30 Learn on Small Business Funding Opportunities

    Office Hours with Merrie London, SBIR Manager at Connecticut Innovations

    Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants offer an opportunity to further your research for an applied outcome or work as a partner with industry.   The SBIR/STTR Program awards over $2 billion each year to small U.S. companies developing game-changing innovation.

    Merrie London is the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Manager at Connecticut Innovations.  Merrie provides strategic insight to faculty, postdocs and grad students seeking SBIR grants, as well as providing information on matching those funds through Connecticut Innovations.  Faculty with federal grants may learn new leveraging strategies through conversations with Merrie.


    Merrie can provide you or your industry partner with:

    •  Individual one-on-one support and strategies on how to get started;
    • Technology and Market assessment reports on your innovation;
    • Information on Matching grant funding – SBIR Acceleration and Commercialization Program;
    • Information on events/workshops/networking in your specific area of interest;
    • Service to help you partner with industry.

    To learn how to access SBIR support, the Office of the Vice President for Research invites you to Office Hours with Merrie London. 

    Next Office hours are:

    Tuesday, September 30th – UConn - Storrs

    Location - Castleman Building, Room 206

    Please, contact Kathy Rocha at  or 860-377-0094 to set up Office Hours.


    Please, see this link for more information:


    For more information, contact: Technology Commercialization Partners at