Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Call for Pre-Proposals for the Academic Plan

    This past spring, the Board of Trustees adopted our new university Academic Plan, created by a faculty committee with broad input from the University community. We are pleased to announce a call for preliminary proposals for innovative, “seed” (non-permanent) investments to support the five key goals of the Academic Plan to enhance and elevate:


    Pre-proposals for research and scholarship that support the seven strategic areas and two emerging areas will be given preference for support.

    Strategic Areas:

    • Artists, Scholars & Discourse
    • Brain, Mind & Cognition
    • Genetics, Genomics & Personalized Medicine
    • Human Diversity, Disparity & Rights
    • Materials & Manufacturing
    • Health & Wellness
    • Sustainability & Resilience:  Environment & Energy

    Emerging Areas:

    • Complex Systems & Big Data
    • Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

    This call for proposals involves a two-step process with submission of pre-proposals by November 14, 2014. We will notify those who are invited to submit full proposals on January 12, 2015, and the full proposals will be due on March 1, 2015. Final funding decisions will be made by April 15, 2015. All proposals should include projects that are consistent with one or more of the five strategic goals in our Academic Plan. The template for proposal submission is included at the end of this call for proposals.

    Three tiers of proposals and requests for equipment will be considered. The number and size of grants will depend upon available resources. We currently anticipate that two Tier 1, three Tier 2, 5-7 Tier 3, and 3-5 equipment proposals will be selected this year.

    Please visit for additional information and the required template for submission of pre-proposals.

    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at