Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • Information About Ebola



    As all of you are most certainly aware, the Ebola epidemic in Western Africa continues at its record-setting pace. Although the risk of contracting Ebola infection in the United States remains extremely unlikely, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has asked colleges and universities to behave proactively and identify members of their respective campus communities who have been in the West African countries of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria within the past 21 days for brief screening and health monitoring instructions. We are asking that if you have returned from any of these countries in the past 21 days to please call Student Health Services at 486-4700 and ask to speak with Connie Gibeault of the Infection Prevention committee. A brief verbal assessment of your risk of Ebola contact will be performed and you will be given instructions on how to monitor your health and what to do if you should become ill. For additional information about Ebola and the UConn response, you can go to the UConn SHS website at and click on “Information on Ebola” in the green right hand “News and Announcements” column.


    For more information, contact: Student Health Services at 486-4700