Student Activities

  • 9/30 Business Communication Workshop

    "Stop the Fake Conversations" - Professional Development Communication Workshop facilitated by Leadership Greater Hartford


    When: Tuesday September 30, 2014, 6:00-7:30pm

    Where: Alumni Center, Great Hall

    Why: Why not?? Learn how to communicate with others in a professional setting.

    How: Register HERE

    Attire: Business Casual


    ALL MAJORS welcome!

    The workshop will consist of highly interactive and engaging activities


    A key element of a good leader is communication. In an age where we have reduced our communications down to efficient sound bites and limited face to face interaction, you will learn how to engage in meaningful conversations that will help you connect with others in order to become successful leaders personally and professionally.

    This is event is co-sponsored by the School of Business Career Center and Honors Program

    For more information, contact: UConn Honors in Business Association at