Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • 7/18 "Diary of a Student Revolution" film

    You are invited to join the Libraries today for the third film in our summer series showcasing UConn’s rich history. Today's film is the documentary "Diary of a Student Revolution". The film chronicles ten days of confrontation between student activists and the president at the University of Connecticut in December 1968. In the wake of the civil rights movement and against the backdrop of the Vietnam War, students rose to protest on-campus industrial recruiting by DOW Chemical Company. Two camera crews worked independently to document the philosophies and strategies of the opposing parties.

    Other films in the series include:

    • July 25 Yankee Conference Championship game at UConn, 1970
    • August 1 Technology and the Farm

    All films will begin at noon in Conference Room 162 in the Dodd Research Center and are less than an hour long. Feel free to bring your lunch. (Maybe even some popcorn!)

    While you are there, please visit the exhibition “What’s in a Name?” on display in the Dodd Research Center gallery. You will have a chance to see some of the UConn memorabilia collection, specifically ways in which the University has used logos, seals, names, and colors to create our identity and affinity for the institution since 1881.

    More information on both the exhibition and the film series can be found here

    For more information, contact: Betsy Pittman at