Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Perkin Elmer Next Gen Sequencing Changes In Effect


    NextGen Sequencing Services for Storrs Faculty – Perkin Elmer Sequencing under UConn Contract

    Effective immediately, all Storrs faculty planning sample submissions for Illumina Sequencing on the HiSeq 2000 through the current UConn-Perkin Elmer will be required to follow new sample submission guidelines.  [NOTE:  UCHC faculty will continue to follow their current sample submission process.

    ***Project samples cannot be mailed to PE until the internal form has been approved.***

    The new procedure for sample submission for Storrs Faculty and details on sequencing specs for sample submission for Storrs Faculty is outlined at

      PI/Lab staff MUST complete the online Internal Submission Form, including uploads of both the PE Sample Submission Form and relevant PE project quote.

    The online Internal Submission Form is located at

    Note: UConn/UCHC investigators will be charged for reagent costs for their share of the sequencing flow cell as per contract. These services have been negotiated for the UConn/UCHC research communities and do not reflect market pricing and do not extend to UConn or UCHC sub-recipients and external partners.

    For more information, contact: Bo Reese at