Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Human Subjects Requested: Children ages 5-12

    Do you have a child age 5-12 with normal hearing? If so, you and your child are invited to participate in a UConn research study!  We want to understand cognitive development in children with hearing loss, and we're looking for children with normal hearing as a comparison group. 

    We will ask participating children to play a few “brain games” with an experimenter.  The games range from about 5-10 minutes each, and are broken into two testing sessions of about 40 minutes each.  These can be done on the same day or different days, and children can participate in both or just one. There is no direct benefit to participation, and no risks other than those in everyday life.  We’ll also ask you (the parents) to give us some information about your child’s language and behavioral background.  The testing can take place here at UConn, or at your home.  We'll work around your schedule!

    For more information, contact: Matt Hall (Linguistics) at