Training and Professional Development

  • 6/26 Health Informatics and Data Analytics Short Course

    Informatics and Data Analytics for Clinical and Translational Research - Only 1 Seat Left
    Presented by the Center for Quantitative Medicine and the CICATS Biomedical Informatics Division

    Data is growing in healthcare and rapidly accumulating clinical information can improve patient care and support knowledge discovery. Eighty percent of clinically relevant data is currently unused, however. To fully harness the potential of clinical information, informatics is needed to enable comparative effectiveness and translational research. Such research requires electronic health record derived structured data linked with supplemental sources to provide patient-level information that can be aggregated and analyzed to support hypothesis generation, comparative assessment, and personalized care.

    This intensive short course examines the unique characteristics of clinical and life sciences data including the analytic principles, methods and tools for translating health data and information into actionable knowledge for improved health care.  ONLY 1 SPOT REMAINS. IF YOUR ARE INTERESTED IN THE COURSE, PLEASE CALL NOW TO REGISTER!

    Date: Thursday, June 26, 2014
    1 to 5 p.m.
    Location: Center for Quantitative Medicine, UConn Health, 195 Farmington Ave, Farmington

    Course Registration

    $100.00 – Student Registration (copy of valid student ID required with your registration) by June 19, 2014
    $250.00 – Advance (by June 19, 2014)

    There is no onsite registration and space is limited to 15 seats on a first-come first served basis. Register early to guarantee your seat! Please complete the registration form and mail your payment in the form of a check made payable to the “UConn Health Center” or transfer voucher. You may also pay by credit card by contacting the UConn Link Registration Specialists at 1-800-535-6232 or 860-679-7692.

    Registration includes tuition, course certificate, materials, refreshment breaks, and a non-refundable registration fee of $50.00. Advance registration is required. There is no onsite registration available. Sorry no refunds after June 19, 2014.

    Learning Objectives

    At the conclusion of the short course, participants will be able to:

    1. Identify and characterize different types of medical data and coding standards.
    2. Describe informatics frameworks and tools that enable clinical researchers to use existing clinical data for clinical and translational research.
    3. Discuss the principles and applications of data analytical methods (i.e. information retrieval, natural language processing, and big data text mining).
    4. Develop foundational concepts of clinical data analysis and analytical thinking that are instrumental in solving problems in translational research.


    William Yasnoff, MD, PhD, FACMI is Director of the CICATS Division of Biomedical Informatics at UConn Health, Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins, a nationally recognized health informatics consultant, and a Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics. He initiated and organized the activities at the US Department of Health and Human Services leading to the establishment of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT in 2004. Earlier, he developed and implemented the nation’s first state immunization registry. He earned his PhD in computer science and MD from Northwestern University.

    Xiaoyan Wang, PhD is an Assistant Professor at UConn Health. Her primary research areas include electronic health records (EHRs), natural language processing (NLP), text mining, clinical data integration analysis, and knowledge discovery from big data. Dr. Wang developed the first framework of quantitative pharmacovigilance using NLP, informatics and statistics on EHRs to detect novel adverse drug events. She received her doctorate in biomedical informatics at Columbia University.

    Fei Wang, PhD is a member of the research staff in the Healthcare Analytics Group at IBM’s TJ Watson Research Center. He has published over 100 papers in the data mining and analytics fields. His research interests are in data mining, machine learning algorithms and their applications in health informatics. Dr. Wang’s work on patient similarity evaluation with EHRs has been the fundamental technique for the IBM’s first healthcare software product — IBM Patient Care and Insights. He earned his PhD degree in Automation from Tsinghua University.

    Matthew J. Cook, MPH, MBI is a University Director of Research IT and Informatics within the Office of the CIO and Director of Education and Outreach for the Center for Quantitative Medicine (CQM) at UConn Health. He earned his MPH degree at UConn. In June, he is also expected to receive a master’s degree in biomedical informatics from Oregon Health & Sciences University. 

    Michael Blechner, MD is an informatician and Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the UConn Health. He earned his medical degree at Dartmouth Medical School, completed his residency at Hartford Hospital and a two-year fellowship in medical informatics at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School and MIT. Dr. Blechner currently serves as the director of Pathology Informatics and Transfusion Medicine at the UConn Health, conducts research in clinical informatics, and teaches informatics in the medical school.

    View and Download the short course brochure for further details. 

    For more information, contact: Matthew Cook / UConn Health Center for Quantitative Medicine at 860-679-3075 |