Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • Register Now for Just Move Year 4

    As the weather gets warmer it certainly makes you want to be more active.  Many of you are active already so why not sign up for UConn's Just Move physical activity program. You can be active anytime, anywhere!  

    Click here for the JM website, then click on the sneakers and red lettering on the right hand side to register on-line (NetID required).  Click on JM Year 4 and hit register.

    Back at the JM website, download your log and send it in monthly.  Record anything you do that keeps you active and off the couch such as gardening, biking, shoveling snow (oops, hope no more shoveling!) walking and more such as joining Hawley Armory Fitness and Wellness

    Thank you to those of you that have already registered!

    Sponsored by Hawley Armory Fitness and Wellness & the Department of Human Resources

    For more information, contact: Pam Heath-Johnston at or 486-1167