Student Activities

  • Reporting Student Research & Creative Achievements

    Has one of your undergraduate students co-authored a paper in a research journal? Published a poem or short story? Presented his or her work at a professional conference or meeting? Exhibited his or her art in a gallery? Secured funding for a project from a foundation or honors society in your field?

    Will one of your advisees be participating in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) this summer? Completing a research-focused internship or research program at a teaching hospital? Performing in a summer theater production?

    If so, we want those students to share their accomplishments with us!

    The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is compiling information about students' accomplishments in research, scholarship, and creative activity. If you know of a student who has an accomplishment to report for 2013-14, or one related to work planned for this summer, please encourage him or her to complete the new online form available on the OUR website.

    We know that UConn students have achieved amazing things across the academic disciplines, but OUR becomes aware of only a fraction of those specific achievements. Please help us develop a fuller picture of undergraduate student accomplishments!


    For more information, contact: Caroline McGuire at