Technology and Computing

  • HuskyCT End of Semester Reminders


    1. Download the Grade Center data from HuskyCT site(s) using the “Work Offline” button at top right of Grade Center.

    2. Use the Student Admin System (PeopleSoft) to request the HuskyCT site(s) you need for Fall 2014. The form for requesting the restore of content from a previous semester can be accessed at the same time.

    3. Instructors who wish to combine HuskyCT sites can include this request on the course restore form.  If no restore is needed, however, please email to request a section combine.   Please note that it is very important to have sections combined before classes start.


    The Instructional Resource Center website,, has help files for these tasks. You are also welcome to contact us by phone or email.

    For more information, contact: Instructional Resource Center at 860-486-5052/