Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 5/13 Dissertation Boot Camp

    4-Full DAY RETREAT: May 13-16 (Tues - Fri).

    9 a.m. - 4 pm each day
    Pharmacy Library, School of Pharmacy, Room 228 (UConn Storrs Campus)

    ***advance registration required***
    ***limited to UConn Dissertation Writers only***

    Maintaining momentum on your dissertation can be tough, but making a commitment to structured writing time can help. And writing in the presence of others can bring a surprising sense of solidarity and productivity.

    The Writing Center is sponsoring a 4-full day writing retreat, modeled on Stanford's dissertation boot camp, for graduate students at the dissertation stage.

    Participants will arrive with a draft of the chapters they are working on and their laptops, along with any notes or books. There will not be any tutoring or any lectures, and internet access will be limited. The point is to make a commitment to sustained writing time. 


    Come. Write. Period.

    Space is limited to the first 20 who register! (Waitlist option also available)

    To both reserve your spot and create an incentive for you to write for all 4 days, you must submit a $50 deposit check made payable to the University of Connecticut along with a signed letter of agreement you will receive within a few days after registering.  Detailed instruction will be emailed to you once you register here:

    ***If you attend all morning hours (9 am to noon) four days, you get your check back, uncashed, making the retreat free.

    *** If you do not attend for all four morning sessions, we cash your check and put the funds toward food and coffee for future retreats.

    For more information, contact: Miho Iwata at