Student Activities

  • 4/23 Ladies of Distinction Spring Mixer

    Come out and mingle, network, and meet with the Ladies of Distinction Organization at our Spring Mixer!! The Ladies of Distinction is an organization that reaches out to all young women of the UConn community to uplift, motivate, and empower one another. There will be opportunities for you to experience firsthand the organization, celebrate our achievements, discover what we are about, and hear our future events and announcements. There will be refreshments, icebreakers, speakers, and just a great environment for women to network, express themselves, and more importantly, feel comfortable.

    Ladies of Distinction Spring Mixer

    Wednesday April 23rd, 2014

    5pm-7pm, North Lobby-- Student Union

    Follow Us on Twitter for Updates: @LODUConn

    Join Our Group On Facebook: UConn Ladies of Distinction

    Hope To See You There!! 

    "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." -- Simone de Beauvoir

    For more information, contact: Nzinga Lawrence at