Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Final Exam Rescheduling


    As finals week draws closer, I ask that you review the policies and expectations surrounding the administration and rescheduling of finals.

    • The University By-Laws state that instructors are required to provide penalty-free rescheduling of finals for students approved to reschedule their finals by the Office of Student Services and Advocacy.  Please note that the Office of Student Services and Advocacy (OSSA) and not individual schools or faculty make the decision for rescheduling bunched finals.
    • Permission from OSSA will be communicated via the e-mail address that is listed in the online phone book.  Please make sure that the address listed in the phone book is the e-mail address that you check.
    • If you are giving a final, it must be administered at the time and place that the Registrar has scheduled.  There should be no other mandatory events scheduled for students during finals week.
    • It is suggested that you assume that there will be at least one student in your class who will need to reschedule their final.  To make this easier, we recommend that you write your make-up final at the same that you create your primary final and make sure that your departmental office has them in the event that you are not available to proctor the make-up final.
    • Department heads: you are strongly encouraged to coordinate the delivery of make-up finals within each department.
    • Finally, concerning grading for finals.  If a student is not present at the final, simply mark an “X” for the final grade.  You do have the option of assigning an “F” grade if the student has completed all other work and even with an “A” on the final, could still not mathematically pass the course.  When in doubt, please err on the side of entering the “X” grade.  It does not obligate you to allow the student to complete any missed work and will automatically turn into an “XF” if the student is not given permission from OSSA to make up the missed final.  An incorrectly assigned “F” has far reaching implications and, if it needs to be corrected, it will result in more work for both you and others. 

    Please contact the Office of Student Services and Advocacy (486-3426) should you have any questions regarding the rescheduling of finals.




    For more information, contact: OSSA at 486-3426