Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Suggested Service-Learning SET Questions

    The Service-Learning Committee invite faculty to consider using the below questions/statements within their SET's.  As many faculty know, teaching a service-learning course is different than teaching a traditional course. The Service-Learning Committee has established qualitative questions/statements for those teaching service-learning to use in the ‘questions’ section of the SET.

    These questions will help capture the impact of service-learning more accurately for faculty evaluation purposes.  

    Questions/Statements to add:

    1.  Please describe how your community site placement or service-learning activity/project enhanced your understanding of course content.

    2.  Please describe how service-learning has contributed to both your professional and personal development.

    3.  Please describe any concrete areas of improvement for this service-learning course.

    You may find the link to this information here.

    Instructions for the SET:

    You may add up to three qualitative (comment) questions to the Student Evaluation of Teaching survey for the students enrolled in your classes. Question Personalization (QP) will only be open for seven days at which time the survey will open for your students.

    Your questions may be added to the on-line survey any time of day between receipt of this email and 14 days prior to the end date of the class at 11:59 pm.  Please click here to add questions to your surveys.

    The Survey Dashboard is available here and contains your Question Personalization, Subject View Management and reports:
    Please click here to add your questions.

    Instructions for QP are available on the SET On-line webpage:
    Please click here.

    This option closes to you prior to student ability to access the survey.
    Results will be included in your summary report.

    For more information, contact: Julia M. Yakovich at