Training and Professional Development

  • 4/9 The Graduate School Professional Dev. Event

    The Graduate School Professional Development Event:

    Ford Foundation Fellowship Workshop


    Wednesday, April 9th from 4-6 pm

    Whetten Graduate Center

    2nd Floor, Room 200


    The Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships and The Graduate School invites current, postdoctoral scholars,  graduate students and undergraduate seniors applying to Ph.D. programs who are committed to diversity and equality to attend the Ford Foundation Fellowship Workshop on Wednesday, April 9th, from 4-5pm in Whetten 200.


    The focus of the workshop is on applying to and winning prestigious Ford Fellowships at the Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral levels.


    Join us for an overview of the three competitions and remarks from Dr. Lewis Gordon, Professor of Philosophy and Africana Studies at UConn and former Ford Dissertation Fellowship reviewer.

    Predoctoral Fellowships provide three years of support for individuals engaged in graduate study leading to a Ph.D. or Sc.D degree, dissertation fellowships provide one year of support for individuals working to complete a dissertation and postdoctoral fellowships provide one year of support for individuals engaged in postdoctoral study.


    Awards are made to individuals who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level, show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.


    For more information, visit


    Open to all graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.


    Light refreshments to be provided.


    Contact Information:

    The Graduate School




    The Graduate School is committed to achieving equal educational opportunity and full participation for persons within the graduate community at all of our events. If you require disability accommodations and/or services please contact Martha Marroni at 860-486-0983 or with adequate notice to allow for the provision of any accommodations.

    For more information, contact: The Graduate School at 860-486-3617