Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Assistant Vice Provost for Global Affairs

    Dr. Yuhang Rong has been named the University of Connecticut’s Assistant Vice Provost for Global Affairs.

    Rong has served as Assistant Dean for UConn’s Neag School of Education since May 2006, with a concurrent appointment as the University’s Accreditation Liaison since August 2013. During his tenure at UConn, Rong has served on numerous committees including the Provost’s International Executive Council.

    Rong has worked in higher education for over three decades building expertise in student services, international education, academic affairs in higher education, as well as in the area of teacher quality enhancement in K-12 education. Since 1998, he has provided professional consultation to universities both nationally and internationally on accreditation review processes, strategic planning, and educator preparation. In 2003, the Governor of the State of Connecticut and the Connecticut General Assembly recognized him for his professional and civic contribution to the state as a first generation immigrant.

    Prior to joining UConn, Rong was the Associate Director of Academic Affairs at the Connecticut Department of Higher Education, where he served for the chief academic officer for the State of Connecticut and as a policy advisor to the Commissioner of Higher Education on P-20 and international issues.

    Rong has authored and administered grants from the United States Department of Education. From 2000-2002 he served as the Project Director for Federal Higher Education Act (HEA) Title II Grant Programs for the Connecticut State Department of Education. In this role, he managed the U.S. Department of Education’s Title II Teacher Quality Enhancement Grant. Rong has also served as a federal grant technical reviewer for the United States Department of Education.

    Rong’s vast experience in higher education administration includes service as the Designated School Official and Responsible Officer for Eastern Connecticut State University from 1997-2000 � roles assigned by the U.S. Government to university officers who provide immigration counseling to international students and ensure immigration compliance within the university system.

    Vice Provost for Global Affairs, Daniel Weiner expressed how pleased he was with Rong’s appointment, “We are delighted to have someone with Yuhang’s expertise, enthusiasm and vision. His appointment has significantly strengthened Office of Global Affairs’ leadership.”

    Rong noted, “I am very honored by this appointment and excited about the opportunities it presents.  With a committed faculty and staff, UConn is poised to foster global citizenship in our talented undergraduate and graduate students, and to conduct cutting-edge research in a wide range of academic and scientific fields.  Under the leadership of Vice Provost Dan Weiner, I look forward to working with everyone in the Office of Global Affairs to facilitate the internationalization of UConn's teaching, learning, research, and public service in Connecticut and in the world." 

    For more information, contact: Zahra Ali at