Student Activities

  • Nominate a Student Org for Stewardship Awards

    It’s that time of year again where we begin to recognize the tremendous work of our student organizations and student leaders. To do that, we need your help. The Triad Leadership Program will be holding open nominations for The Stewardship Awards, four awards based on Tier III Student Organizations’ work in the four areas of stewardship. 

    • Constituents Award – demonstrating a strong level of commitment to and awareness of the people the organization serves
    • Members Award – carrying out excellent recruitment, development, and mentorship as well as creating a positive and supportive place for involvement
    • Assets Award – maximizing the assets that the organization has and using its resources in innovative and responsible ways
    • Administrator Relations Award – effectively collaborating with faculty, staff, and administrators to develop partnerships in order to support the organization’s mission and the student body

    The Triad Leadership Program will present an award to the most successful student organization for each area of stewardship.

    All Tier III Organizations are eligible to be nominated by members, staff, administration, and advisors. The winners will be determined by a search committee within the division of student affairs who will review the nominations. Winning organizations and individuals will receive recognition at the end of the semester. (As a reminder, the Tier III organizations are: Daily Campus, Nutmeg Yearbook, RHA, SUBOG, UConn PIRG, UCTV, USG, and WHUS.)

    If you have a nomination for one or more of these stewardship awards for the 2013-2014 academic year, please fill out the nomination form here:

    Nominations will close April 8 at 5:00 PM. Feel  free to reach out to Pat Gotham ( with any questions.

    For more information, contact: Pat Gotham at