Research, Funding, and Awards

  • UCHI UConn Faculty Fellowship Awards 2014-15

    The University of Connecticut Humanities Institute is pleased to announce its UCONN Faculty Fellowship awards for 2014-15:

    UConn Faculty Fellowships          


    Fakhreddin Azimi – “The Ascendancy of Khomeini :  Illusions of secularity and rise of political Islam”


    Frank Costigliola – “Kennan and Russia”


    Martha Cutter – “Picturing Slavery:  Illustrated Books and the Visual Culture of the Transatlantic Abolition Movement, 1820-1855”


    Jeffrey Dudas – “Regeneration through Rights:  Law, Family, and the Making of Modern American Conservatism”


    Hassanaly Ladha – “The Idea of Africa:  Hegel, Architecture, and the Political Subject”


    Fiona Somerset -- “The Implications of Consent”


    For more information, contact: uchi at