Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/2 From Power Suits to Power Pink

    Professional Women in Pop Culture -  A Panel Discussion


    Nancy Bilmes, Director, Center for Career Development

    Lucy Gilson, Associate Professor, Academic Director: Geno Auriemma Leadership Conference, School of Business

    Courtney Hammond, Actress “Elle Woods” in Legally Blonde: The Musical

    Susan Schmieser, Professor, School of Law

    In connection with the Connecticut Repertory Theatre’s upcoming production of Legally Blonde: The Musical, this panel discussion will explore how professional women are expected to look and dress, and what judgments are still being made about women based on their physical appearance. While the character Elle Woods showed us that blonde hair and a preference for pink have no bearing on a person’s intelligence, it nevertheless remains the case that women can face discrimination both in hiring and pay scale based on their physical appearance. Speakers will discuss everything from what women should expect in hiring situations, to legal cases in involving discrimination based on a woman’s appearance, to the tension between images of professional women in popular culture and expectations in the board room. 

    Coffee, Tea and Cookies will be served.

    Where: UConn Women's Center

    When: Wednesday April 2, 4:00pm

    For more information, contact: Lindsay Cummings at