Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/27 Teale Series: Steven D. Gaines, UC Santa Barbara

    Dr. Steven D. Gaines, Dean of the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management at the University of California - Santa Barbara, will give a talk entitled “What Role will the Oceans Play in Meeting the Global Demand for Food?” for the University of Connecticut’s Edwin Way Teale Lecture Series on Nature and the Environment. The talk will take place on Thursday, March 27, 4 pm at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, Konover Auditorium, at UConn. The lecture is free and open to the public.

    The research of Dr. Steven Gaines focuses on marine ecology and conservation, sustainable fisheries, the design of marine reserves, and the impact of climate change on ocean ecosystems. Professor Gaines currently acts as Dean of the Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at UCSB. He has served as Director of the UC Santa Barbara Marine Science Institute, as UCSB Acting Dean of Science, and Acting Vice Chancellor for Research. Dr. Gaines currently serves as a science advisor for the Joint Ocean Commission.

    The Edwin Way Teale Lecture Series brings leading scholars and scientists to the University of Connecticut to present public lectures on nature and the environment. The lectures are open to the public and do not require registration. For additional information please call 860.486.4460 or visit

    For more information, contact: Natural History Museum at 860.486.4460