Training and Professional Development

  • 4/11 Managing Conflict through Restorative Justice

    Managing Conflict through Restorative Justice

    Friday, April 11, 9:00am-noon, Storrs, Student Union Room 104.  Register here.  Seating is limited.

    Conflict with colleagues and supervisors can be difficult to manage. When there is conflict in the workplace people get hurt, relationships fall apart and before you know it morale is down and productivity scarce. Have you wondered if it would be possible to build relationships after conflict? This session will explore the ways we can manage conflict through restorative justice practices. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how restorative justice works, discuss ways to apply it in their conflict resolution and practice how to create a restorative atmosphere. 

    Facilitated by Elsie Gonzalez, Assistant Director for Residence Education, Student Affairs

    For more information, contact: Pam Heath-Johnston at or x1167