Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/31 UConn Engagement in Bridgeport

    The Office of Public Engagement invites members of the UConn campus community to a conversation on Engagement in the City of Bridgeport. Through this community conversation, the Office of Public Engagement seeks to: identify UConn’s current initiatives in Bridgeport; deepen our collective understanding of the scope of work currently underway; develop a strong network of colleagues committed to research, engaged scholarship and Service –Learning in the Bridgeport community; and explore collaboration opportunities with colleagues departments across the university.   We invite those with projects in progress or those that are planned to attend.   

    If travel to Storrs prevents your participation in the conversation, please feel welcome to submit information on your programs or activities through the form on our website:

     WHEN: Monday, March 31 10:30 - 11:45 AM

    WHERE: Gentry 140

    For more information, contact: Office of Public Engagement at