Training and Professional Development

  • 3/24 Digital Authorship: Writing for the Web Workshop

    The Institute for Teaching & Learning will be offering the Lunchtime Seminar -

    Digital Authorship: Writing for the web with your undergraduate student
    Steven Park, CETL-ITL-Digital Learning Center
    Monday, March 24, 2014
    My students have been writing thesis papers for years; I would grade them, and then recycle the paper on which they were written. A few years back I thought, “Why not have students write for the web?” Assignments had always focused on evidence gathering, argument, and thesis formation. How would academic writing on the web be different? If readers approach the web differently from print, how should students write differently? This workshop will explore this topic in an open forum looking at research and engaging participants in discussion.

    A boxed lunch will be provided.  If you have any speacial dieatary needs (gluten free or vegetarian), please contact Stacey Valliere

    Click here to register

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at